Wednesday, November 28, 2012

On faith and pure people

A lot of people claim to have faith.....they go to church, or they claim to believe in a higher power. But how much of it is real? How many people thoroughly ruminate on their true beliefs, what they really love and trust in. Reverence should be the centermost value of a faith. Not fear of going to hell, and most definitely not "believing" because you are told. I truly believe in reverence to nature, some people to a higher power. Faith is about belief and respect. It is our job to explore what we believe, to question, to think, and therefore grow. Emerson said "The stars awaken a certain reverence, because though always present, they are inaccessible; but all natural objects make a kindred impression, when the mind is open to their influence." Humans tend to believe in things they cannot prove indefinitely exist....That way they can always question and try to find answers, or make up answers to believe in. I am not advocating one "faith" over another, but rather faith in general. People need faith in something."Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail (Emerson)." If we do not have reason to get back up, hope, something to believe in. That is where we get our motivation, at least the majority of people do. The purist of us (I am definitely not one) do not need someone or something to motivate them... they have reverence to themselves and their thoughts, and other people. They can do the right thing without needing to have it justified by a higher belief....In essence, faith is reverence, is goodness. Reverence for others and for yourself matters more than going to church or pretending to believe in something.

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